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Revamping, Creating and Branding

It's been a while since I made a write up. Most of the write ups I did are either news articles and features. I guess it's about time to finally capitalize on my writing and focus more on commentaries, reflection and thought-provoked contents.

I've been a Content Creator since August 2017 and my main platform has been YouTube and other big social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I do vlogs, commentaries, travels-basically, anything under the sun.

I am writing this because I am revamping all the platforms and brand that I am using in order to properly curate myself as Hunter James. As you all know, it's not my real name. If you don't know by now you could check my About Me page and see how it started and evolved. Like a lot of celebrities, personalities and influencers, they are either known through their handles, screen names, or their catch phrases. The only reason is for me to separate my brand as an artist, Content Creator and also as a self-brand to my personal life as some would in order to keep some things in life private.

As a Content Creator or an influencer, you are bound to be in any audience's public eye. That means, you don't control your audience's reaction and how they will take it. You'll be exposed in bullying, harsh criticisms, haters and bashers that could affect you. So, be ready. My advice? Don't just block them. They help the engagements and activity of your site. They help you to look things into perspective or to just plainly engagements. Look into it in the degree of context and not just the manner. Because, most probably, you might missed something that could add value on your content. Engage with them in a positive manner and in a mindset of: value and curation.

As I revamp my blogs (not vlogs) and write ups, I wanna keep it more personal, raw and more paralleled in my train of thought hoping that I make sense enough to share you the learnings and thoughts that might help you as a reader. Although, I am still going to write feature articles when necessary.

Having attended the recently concluded event of Nuffnang Philippines: Blogopolis, it reminds me that there is a wide range of medium, material and strategies for you to grow not just as a brand but also as a person. I always keep in the back of my mind that I always wanna tickle the way people think nowadays in looking into details and topics that people might have been overlooked by the vast majority. I have always wanted to leave the impression and legacy of taking things around us in giving value, in-depth analysis and a reality that even though we always aspire with the luxurious, glamorous and limitless possibilities of perks is always good. Sometimes, you have to hold back and think over if this is what represents you as a person and as a brand 'cause it could not really reflect you in any way.

Looking into these things now, I guess it brings me back to what I always say : If you don't know what to do today, It's time to hunt. This reminds me in keeping the grind in hunting things that I have to represent, hunting the learnings, skills and ideas I have to get immerse myself, hunting down the voice in this cluttered world and age of digital connectivity and hunting myself down the line in growing not just as a brand but as a persson and citizen of the world.

Thank you for reading this. 'Til next time! As to reiterate: If you don't know what to do today, It's time to hunt!


If you want to be updated to some of my contents in other platforms or you need someone to talk to or ask an insight about some stuff, I'm here for you. Shoot me a message in my Contact Us or better reach me in my social media. I'll sure reply!

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